
Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast

The Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast is a Suite & Morning meal, characteristically Meranese in character, a facility with a specific tone, a home from residence. It is not a hotel in the timeless feeling. Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast designed with aesthetic perceptiveness, lies near the community centre of Meran.

Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast

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Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast

Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast

Mitzi Martha Suite

Wy we Love Ottmanngut Suite and Breakfast

A space that has lots of character, with rock encountered wall surfaces, Jugendstil friezes as well as a small personal arbor causing the vineyard and gardens. The furniture is common of country houses in this field, including its own cozy note to the welcome. In the early 1900s the soubrettes Mitzi and Martha often remained in this space, no question to the pleasure of the male visitors of the moment.
